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Swiss Franc Price Outlook: USD/CHF Rally Grinds into Trend Resistance

Swiss Franc Price Outlook: USD/CHF Rally Grinds into Trend Resistance

The Swiss Franc may find its footing here as price reverses off near-term trend resistance. These are targets and invalidations levels that matter on the USD/CHF charts.

Australian Dollar Price Chart: AUD/USD Reversal Stalls– Trade Outlook

Australian Dollar Price Chart: AUD/USD Reversal Stalls– Trade Outlook

The Australian Dollar is up more than 2.6% on the back of a five-day rally with price eyeing initial resistance. These are the levels that matter on the AUD/USD charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: Loonie Rips as USD/CAD Tests Resistance

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: Loonie Rips as USD/CAD Tests Resistance

The Canadian Dollar is up nearly 0.5% against the US Dollar after reversing off a key technical confluence zone. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD weekly chart.

US Dollar Price Targets: USD Threatens Breakout of Uptrend Resistance

US Dollar Price Targets: USD Threatens Breakout of Uptrend Resistance

The US Dollar is probing fresh yearly highs into the to open of September trade, but is the rally sustainable? Here are the levels that matter on the DXY weekly chart.

Japanese Yen Price Targets: USD/JPY Breakout Pending- Trade Levels

Japanese Yen Price Targets: USD/JPY Breakout Pending- Trade Levels

Price has set a well-defined weekly opening-range just below downtrend resistance and were looking for the break. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/JPY charts.

Silver Price Outlook: XAG/USD Breakout Testing Uptrend Resistance

Silver Price Outlook: XAG/USD Breakout Testing Uptrend Resistance

Silver prices surged nearly 30% off the May lows with the rally now probing critical resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the XAG/USD weekly chart.

Oil Price Targets: Crude Recovery Eyes August Highs– WTI Trade Levels

Oil Price Targets: Crude Recovery Eyes August Highs– WTI Trade Levels

Oil prices have surged nearly 5% this week with the advance now targeting downtrend resistance. Here are the trade levels that matter on the WTI weekly chart.

Silver Price Targets: XAG Surges to Fresh Yearly Highs– Trade Levels

Silver Price Targets: XAG Surges to Fresh Yearly Highs– Trade Levels

Silver prices have rallied to fresh yearly highs with the advance now targeting uptrend resistance. These are the levels that matter on the XAG/USD charts this week.

S&P 500 Price Targets: SPX Consolidation Levels – Technical Trade Outlook

S&P 500 Price Targets: SPX Consolidation Levels – Technical Trade Outlook

The S&P 500 remains within a broad consolidation level just below a key pivot zone weve been tracking for weeks. These are the levels that matter on the SPX500 charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Targets: USD/CAD Bulls Eye Key Resistance Pivot

Canadian Dollar Price Targets: USD/CAD Bulls Eye Key Resistance Pivot

The US Dollar is targeting resistance near two-month highs vs Loonie with the long-bias vulnerable near-term. These are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Sterling Price Outlook: British Pound Snaps Four Week Losing Streak

Sterling Price Outlook: British Pound Snaps Four Week Losing Streak

Sterling is poised to snap a four-week losing streak with price rebounding off downtrend support this week. Here are the levels that matter on the GBP/USD weekly chart.

Gold Price Targets: XAU/USD Breakout Halted at Trend Resistance

Gold Price Targets: XAU/USD Breakout Halted at Trend Resistance

Gold prices ripped into multi-year trend resistance this week - the breakout is vulnerable while below. Here are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.

US Dollar Price Outlook: DXY Threatens Larger Recovery– Trade Targets

US Dollar Price Outlook: DXY Threatens Larger Recovery– Trade Targets

A rebound in the US Dollar has price testing a near-term resistance pivot and were looking for a reaction here. These are the levels that matter on the DXY charts.

Oil Price Outlook: Crude Reversal Targets – WTI Trade Levels

Oil Price Outlook: Crude Reversal Targets – WTI Trade Levels

Oil prices have rallied more than 5% since the start of the week – is a near-term low in place? Here are the levels that matter on the WTI weekly chart.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Four-Week Rally Vulnerable

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Four-Week Rally Vulnerable

Loonie was nearly unchanged against the US Dollar last weeks with price failing just pips from resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD weekly chart.

Gold Price Targets: XAU/USD Surges 4%- Can the Rally be Sustained?

Gold Price Targets: XAU/USD Surges 4%- Can the Rally be Sustained?

Gold prices surged nearly 19% off the yearly lows with the rally targeting key long-term uptrend resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.

Euro Technical Price Outlook: EUR/USD Near-term Breakout Imminent

Euro Technical Price Outlook: EUR/USD Near-term Breakout Imminent

A rally of more than 2% takes Euro into near-term consolidation just below downtrend resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/USD technical price charts.

Oil Price Outlook: Crude Spills into Support – WTI Trade Levels

Oil Price Outlook: Crude Spills into Support – WTI Trade Levels

Oil prices plummeted more than 15% from the July highs with crude now threatening a break of the June lows. Here are the levels that matter on the WTI technical charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breakout Stalls at Six-Week High

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breakout Stalls at Six-Week High

Canadian Dollar remains under pressure despite broader US Dollar weakness with price now testing six-week highs. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Gold Price Targets: Weekly Reversal Testing Resistance at Yearly High

Gold Price Targets: Weekly Reversal Testing Resistance at Yearly High

Gold prices are poised to mark the largest advance in six-weeks with price now challenging the yearly highs. Here are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.


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فوركس تداولتداول العملات الأجنبيةاسعار العملاتوسطاء الفوركسنقد النقد الاجنبىسوق الفوركسحساب الفوركسالتطبيق الفوركستجارة النقد الاجنبى الآليتحليل الفوركسخوارزمية الفوركستنبيهات الفوركستاجر الفوركسوسيط الفوركسنظام النقد الاجنبى يعملوسطاء الفوركس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةأساسيات الفوركسصندوق النقد الاجنبىالفوركس بلوقالبنك الفوركسالفوركس مؤشر ب مدار الساعةالنقد الاجنبى ب مدار الساعةمخططات الفوركسالعملة الفوركسبطاقة الفوركسأزمة النقد الاجنبىدروس الفوركستعريف الفوركسحساب فوركس تجريبياستراتيجية التداول اليوم الفوركستطوير الفوركسدليل الفوركستجار الفوركس اليومصرف العملات الأجنبيةاليورو الفوركستعليم الفوركسforexتجارة العملات الإلكترونيةالفوركس للمبتدئينتوقعات الفوركسالعقود الآجلة الفوركسمؤشرات الفوركسأسعار الفائدة الفوركسالمستثمر الاجنبىصناعة الفوركسالفوركس على الانترنتمنصات تداول العملات الأجنبيةfcanfawikifxالرافعة الماليةمخاطر الفوركسإدارة المخاطر الفوركسساعات تداول العملات الأجنبيةforex tradingforex newsforex ratesforex brokersforex reviewsforex marketforex accountforex appforex alertsforex analysisa forex brokerforex basicsbest leaderDIRECT TTEGM ForexWikiFX ReviewSaqs InvestmentCharles Schwabفوركس فوكسشركات الفوركسMax Market FX LtdVIEXSSCEIDQUOTEXالبنك المركزيالتضخمالانكماشرفع سعرالفائدةالجنيه المصري IQ OptionWest CapitalINFOCHOICEXTrend SpeedROSYSTYLE WEALTHنصائحوسيط مثالي POIPEXSMI TRADEPROFITSCCHOPFIST WEALTHKangDaCMI TRADERConfort FXMIEXAMEGAVICTORIA CAPITALاستثمارالصناديق الاستثماريةالتمويل الجماعي الاسهمرأس مالLifecoinFEXDWS INVESTFDX CAPITALCRYPTO1CAPITALMSGRegain CapitalSpartan TradeCMTproOLYMP TRADEPrime InvestNordex InvestAdar CapitalMboxes TechEuropeMarketMetamaxFXMYN CapitalW2W CapitalCrypticsEasyTradeAPPNovobrokersDT SecuritiesInvestirexGitex CapitalUeTradesActive ResistTrades Universalapextradefx24Uni-coIdealfxtradingFx-CapitalUSGCOASTHERITAGE INVESTInetmarketsCryptoneyxFXGlobeIconic ManagementProgresive TradePROFIT CINDA LIMITEDBasel MarketsTrade HuzePaxful Financialscrypto-smartchainAMT Futures LimitedAmtop Markets LtdTop-minerBluefoxinvestmentFxCapitalProfitVenus HoldingsHONESTUMZeta Hedge22 PipsProtonForexHFx CryptoFx TradeUKBTCiToroStocksEQUALPROSKranken FxWaterman Bates
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