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SP 500
S&P 500 Price Outlook: Value Stocks Outperform Momentum, Tech Lags

S&P 500 Price Outlook: Value Stocks Outperform Momentum, Tech Lags

After breaking outside of its August range, the road higher seemed to be laid out for the S&P 500, but tech and momentum stocks have been largely absent from the rally effort.

S&P 500 Forecast: Stocks Threaten Breakdown as TLT ETF Soars

S&P 500 Forecast: Stocks Threaten Breakdown as TLT ETF Soars

The S&P 500 fluctuated between losses and gains on Thursday before finishing narrowly higher. Meanwhile, investors continued to clamor for safety in bonds.

Dow Jones, DAX 30, FTSE 100 Forecasts for the Week Ahead

Dow Jones, DAX 30, FTSE 100 Forecasts for the Week Ahead

As trade wars and monetary policy look to maintain their position at the helm, markets will be offered insight on another major theme that could rattle fragile sentiment.

S&P 500 Forecast: Stocks Rebound, but will the Recovery Continue?

S&P 500 Forecast: Stocks Rebound, but will the Recovery Continue?

After plummeting at the open, the S&P 500 mounted a relief effort during Wednesday trading to eventually close in the green. While the rebound was encouraging, can it surmount nearby resistance?

Does the Russell 2000 to S&P 500 Ratio Suggest a Coming Recession?

Does the Russell 2000 to S&P 500 Ratio Suggest a Coming Recession?

The S&P 500 to Russell 2000 ratio is at its lowest since 2008 and some investors have taken notice, but does the slipping ratio suggest heightened recession risk?

S&P 500 Outlook: Index Crosses 3,000 & Delta (DAL) Earnings Ahead

S&P 500 Outlook: Index Crosses 3,000 & Delta (DAL) Earnings Ahead

The S&P 500 tagged record highs as quarterly earnings from Delta Airlines (DAL) are likely to highlight the stock‘s relative strength in the industry amid the grounding of Boeing’s 737 Max planes.

Markets Risk Averse, S&P 500 Net-Short Bets Put Support In Focus

Markets Risk Averse, S&P 500 Net-Short Bets Put Support In Focus

Equities are showing signs of risk aversion ahead of testimony from Fed Chair Jerome Powell, though S&P 500 net-short positioning may precede a turn higher as support looms.

SPY ETF Notches Largest Outflow in 2019, HYG Finds Buyers

SPY ETF Notches Largest Outflow in 2019, HYG Finds Buyers

After Fed Chairman Jerome Powell struck a dovish tone at Wednesdays FOMC meeting, the SPY ETF notched two days of substantial outflows while the riskier-HYG ETF experienced robust demand.

Gold and High Yield Debt Funds See Record Inflows on Dovish Fed

Gold and High Yield Debt Funds See Record Inflows on Dovish Fed

A week after the HYG ETF registered its largest outflow for the year, funds came pouring back in on Tuesday when the fund recorded its largest intraday inflow ever.

Volatility: The SKEW Index and Stock Market Crashes

Volatility: The SKEW Index and Stock Market Crashes

The SKEW Index seeks to measure the probability of Black Swan events and stock market crashes, but its track record in doing so is less than stellar.

S&P 500 Outlook: Investors Flee Risky Corporate Debt Amid Rout

S&P 500 Outlook: Investors Flee Risky Corporate Debt Amid Rout

The HYG ETF registered its largest outflow in 2019 thus far, suggesting investors are becoming increasingly concerned with the state of the S&P 500.

Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 Price Outlooks for the Week Ahead

Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 Price Outlooks for the Week Ahead

The Dow Jones, S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 opened Tuesday trading with a gap higher, but a quick retracement looks to weigh on their short-term outlooks.

S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100 Price Outlook

S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100 Price Outlook

US stocks lost their footing Thursday morning as they stumbled to rest at key support. Here are the price levels to watch for the S&P 500, Dow Jones and Nasdaq 100 as the week winds down.

S&P 500 Rallies on Earnings Despite Warnings of Trade War Impact

S&P 500 Rallies on Earnings Despite Warnings of Trade War Impact

The S&P 500 is timidly in the green for the week after a series of strong earnings bolstered the Index - despite concerns regarding the US-China trade war.

Dow, S&P 500 Rise After Trump Tweets Jawbone Stocks Higher

Dow, S&P 500 Rise After Trump Tweets Jawbone Stocks Higher

Equities are gaining ground as risk assets attempt to stage a comeback after Trump's latest jawboning tweets on the US-China trade war. But, effectiveness may prove difficult as the President has a history of attempting to move markets.

Dow Jones, S&P 500 Price Outlook: Will Tech Continue the Rally?

Dow Jones, S&P 500 Price Outlook: Will Tech Continue the Rally?

With the S&P 500 at record highs, will tech continue to carry the index higher or will traders look elsewhere to fuel a continuation rally?

S&P 500, DAX Fundamental Forecast: Focus on FOMC, NFP & Apple Earnings

S&P 500, DAX Fundamental Forecast: Focus on FOMC, NFP & Apple Earnings

The S&P 500 moved within touching distance of its record peak, while the DAX outperformed relative to its major counterparts.

Lessons for Traders On Extreme Volatility from 2017 and the Summer of 2014

Lessons for Traders On Extreme Volatility from 2017 and the Summer of 2014

Despite jolts of volatility for financial markets in 2018, fear of further distress has all but vanished through 2019s open. Sinking to extreme lows once again, what can we learn from the history of volatility to prepare for the future?

S&P 500 Sinks with Health-Care Stocks as NZD/USD Could Reverse

S&P 500 Sinks with Health-Care Stocks as NZD/USD Could Reverse

The S&P 500 closed lower as health-care stocks dragged and triggered risk aversion after key resistance held. NZD/USD may reverse as the Australian Dollar rises on a jobs report.

Netflix Stock Price Slides After Earnings, S&P 500 Sentiment Dented

Netflix Stock Price Slides After Earnings, S&P 500 Sentiment Dented

FAANG member Netflix slid in after-hours trading on Tuesday after the company revealed sturdy financial results accompanied by a softer outlook than analysts had expected.


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