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US Dollar
KVB Market Analysis | 28 August: Yen Strengthens on BoJ Rate Hike Hints; USD/JPY Faces Uncertainty

KVB Market Analysis | 28 August: Yen Strengthens on BoJ Rate Hike Hints; USD/JPY Faces Uncertainty

The Japanese Yen rose 0.7% against the US Dollar after BoJ Governor Kazuo Ueda hinted at potential rate hikes. This coincided with a recovery in Asian markets, aided by stronger Chinese stocks. With the July FOMC minutes already pointing to a September rate cut, the US Dollar might edge higher into the weekend.

KVB Market Analysis | 27 August: AUD/USD Holds Below Seven-Month High Amid Divergent Central Bank Policies

KVB Market Analysis | 27 August: AUD/USD Holds Below Seven-Month High Amid Divergent Central Bank Policies

The Australian Dollar (AUD) traded sideways against the US Dollar (USD) on Tuesday, staying just below the seven-month high of 0.6798 reached on Monday. The downside for the AUD/USD pair is expected to be limited due to differing policy outlooks between the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and the US Federal Reserve. The RBA Minutes indicated that a rate cut is unlikely soon, and Governor Michele Bullock affirmed the central bank's readiness to raise rates again if necessary to combat inflation.

KVB Market Analysis | 23 August: JPY Gains Ground Against USD as BoJ Signals Possible Rate Hike

KVB Market Analysis | 23 August: JPY Gains Ground Against USD as BoJ Signals Possible Rate Hike

JPY strengthened against the USD, pushing USD/JPY near 145.00, driven by strong inflation data and BoJ rate hike expectations. Japan's strong Q2 GDP growth added support. However, USD gains may be limited by expectations of a Fed rate cut in September.

KVB Market Analysis | 22 August: Gold Stays Strong Above $2,500 as Fed Rate Cut Hints Loom

KVB Market Analysis | 22 August: Gold Stays Strong Above $2,500 as Fed Rate Cut Hints Loom

Gold prices remain above $2,500, near record highs, as investors await the Federal Open Market Committee minutes for confirmation of a potential Fed rate cut in September. The Fed's dovish shift, prioritizing employment over inflation, has weakened the US Dollar, boosting gold. A recent revision showing the US created 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported also strengthens the case for a rate cut.

KVB Market Analysis | 21 August: USD/JPY Stalls Near 145.50 Amid Diverging Economic Indicators

KVB Market Analysis | 21 August: USD/JPY Stalls Near 145.50 Amid Diverging Economic Indicators

USD/JPY holds near 145.50, recovering from 144.95 lows. The Yen strengthens on strong GDP, boosting rate hike expectations for the Bank of Japan. However, gains may be limited by potential US Fed rate cuts in September.

KVB Market Analysis | 20 August: Gold Prices Remain Near Record High Amid US Rate Cut Expectations

KVB Market Analysis | 20 August: Gold Prices Remain Near Record High Amid US Rate Cut Expectations

Gold prices remain near record highs, driven by expectations of a US interest rate cut and a weakening US Dollar. Investors are focusing on the upcoming Jackson Hole Symposium, where Fed Chair Jerome Powell's speech will be closely watched for clues on the Fed's stance. Additionally, the release of US manufacturing data (PMIs) is expected to influence gold's direction.

KVB Market Analysis | 19 August: JPY Gains Ground on USD Amid Rate Cut Uncertainty and Strong GDP Data

KVB Market Analysis | 19 August: JPY Gains Ground on USD Amid Rate Cut Uncertainty and Strong GDP Data

JPY is strengthening against USD after Japan's strong GDP growth raised prospects of a Bank of Japan rate hike. The USD/JPY pair, initially boosted by a strong USD and higher Treasury yields, is now pressured by uncertainty over a potential US rate cut, with traders debating between a 25 or 50 basis point reduction.

KVB Market Analysis | 2 August: Japanese Yen Rallies as BoJ Surprises with Hawkish Moves, Eyes Set on USD/JPY Support Levels

KVB Market Analysis | 2 August: Japanese Yen Rallies as BoJ Surprises with Hawkish Moves, Eyes Set on USD/JPY Support Levels

The Japanese Yen strengthened against the US Dollar after the Bank of Japan's hawkish policy move, raising rates by 15 basis points and reducing bond purchases. Japan's Ministry of Finance also spent ¥5.53 trillion ($36.8 billion) in July to stabilize the Yen. Meanwhile, the US Dollar weakened as the Federal Reserve maintained interest rates. Traders now await US economic data, including the ISM Manufacturing PMI and Initial Jobless Claims, for further guidance.

KVB Market Analysis | 1 August: Gold Prices Surge Amid Fed Rate Cut Speculation and Geopolitical Tensions

KVB Market Analysis | 1 August: Gold Prices Surge Amid Fed Rate Cut Speculation and Geopolitical Tensions

Gold prices surged on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a potential rate cut in September. A decline in US Treasury yields and the US dollar, which hit its lowest level since July 18, further increased the appeal of gold. Investors are closely monitoring the Fed's upcoming policy decision. Geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Iran, also drove investors towards the safe-haven asset, adding to gold's rise.

US Dollar Soars on Higher Yields and Bank of England No-Go. Where to for USD?

US Dollar Soars on Higher Yields and Bank of England No-Go. Where to for USD?

US Dollar, Bank of England, Treasuries, OPEC+, Crude Oil, Japan - Talking Points

Markets Q4 Outlook: Dow Jones, US Dollar, Gold, Fed, Euro, ECB, Oil, Volatility Returns?

Markets Q4 Outlook: Dow Jones, US Dollar, Gold, Fed, Euro, ECB, Oil, Volatility Returns?

As investors head into the fourth quarter, the VIX Volatility Index - often referred to as the market‘s ’fear gauge - is in an uptrend. In September, US benchmark stock indices saw some of the worst monthly performance since March 2020. In fact, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 finished the third quarter little changed. More importantly, they trimmed most of their gains. The Dow Jones declined.

EUR/USD Looks to US Retail Sales, Sentiment Data After ECB

EUR/USD Looks to US Retail Sales, Sentiment Data After ECB

EUR/USD may rise if US retail sales and sentiment data amplify growing Fed rate cut bets after the ECB failed to meet the markets ultra-dovish expectations.

Euro Braces for ECB and Draghi, US Dollar Eyes CPI Data

Euro Braces for ECB and Draghi, US Dollar Eyes CPI Data

Global traders will be in for a turbulent day as the ECB prepares to announce its rate decision which may inspire market-wide volatility. This may be amplified by US CPI data.

Crude Oil Prices Boosted, EUR/USD Suffers Ahead of ECB - US Market Open

Crude Oil Prices Boosted, EUR/USD Suffers Ahead of ECB - US Market Open

Crude Oil Prices Boosted, EUR/USD Suffers Ahead of ECB - US Market Open

Euro May Rise vs US Dollar if Jobs Data Boosts Fed Rate Cut Bets

Euro May Rise vs US Dollar if Jobs Data Boosts Fed Rate Cut Bets

The Euro may rise against the US Dollar if US nonfarm payrolls data undershoots expectations and boosts the case for more accommodative Fed monetary policy.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: Loonie Rips as USD/CAD Tests Resistance

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: Loonie Rips as USD/CAD Tests Resistance

The Canadian Dollar is up nearly 0.5% against the US Dollar after reversing off a key technical confluence zone. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD weekly chart.

US Dollar Price Targets: USD Threatens Breakout of Uptrend Resistance

US Dollar Price Targets: USD Threatens Breakout of Uptrend Resistance

The US Dollar is probing fresh yearly highs into the to open of September trade, but is the rally sustainable? Here are the levels that matter on the DXY weekly chart.

Japanese Yen Price Targets: USD/JPY Breakout Pending- Trade Levels

Japanese Yen Price Targets: USD/JPY Breakout Pending- Trade Levels

Price has set a well-defined weekly opening-range just below downtrend resistance and were looking for the break. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/JPY charts.

Euro May Fall on ECB Minutes, Jackson Hole and Eurozone PMIs

Euro May Fall on ECB Minutes, Jackson Hole and Eurozone PMIs

The Euro may fall against the US Dollar if ECB minutes carry ultra-dovish undertones and commentary from Jackson Hole spooks markets against the backdrop of Eurozone PMI data.

US Dollar Technical Outlook Versus PHP, SGD, MYR and INR Bearish?

US Dollar Technical Outlook Versus PHP, SGD, MYR and INR Bearish?

Will the US Dollar see near-term losses against the Philippine Peso, Singapore Dollar and Malaysian Ringgit? Technical signals seem to point in that direction as FOMC minutes near.

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