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IB, or Interactive Brokers, is a discount brokerage firm founded in the United States in 1978. It is headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut, and has offices in several other countries, including the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Australia. The company provides electronic brokerage services to individual and institutional clients, offering a range of financial products, including stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds, and funds. Interactive Brokers is regulated by several financial authorities, including ASIC (Australia), FCA (UK), FSA (Japan), SFC (Hong Kong), and CIRO (Canada).



GO Markets is a regulated award-winning global broker, dedicated to taking their clients’ trading experience further. GO Markets began in Australia in 2006 as an online provider of CFD trading services. Since then, they have been an industry pioneer, evolving their technology, services and education, in order to provide clients with the best possible trading experience. Widely recognised as Australia‘s first MT4 broker, they have continually expanded their platform suite to include MT5, cTrader, mobile trading, and a web-based solution. They now offer 1000+ tradeable CFD instruments including Forex, Shares, Indices, Metals, and Commodities. Through its dedication to service, GO Markets has established itself as a leading and trusted global broker. For more on GO Markets, please visit

FP Markets-Overview Guide of This Broker

FP Markets-Overview Guide of This Broker

  FP Markets is an Australian-based online brokerage firm that offers various trading instruments including 70+ forex currency pairs, 10,000+ stocks, 19 indices, commodities, bonds, metals, and digital currencies. The company was founded in 2005 and is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC).



AUS GLOBAL is the internet brokerage brand of AUS Group, with offices in Cyprus, London, Dubai, Turkey, Seychelles, Mauritius, Thailand, Malaysia, Vanuatu, Melbourne, Vancouver and Wellington. It is a forex and CFD broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), offering online trading services to retail and institutional clients worldwide. The broker provides a range of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, as well as various trading platforms such as MT4, MT5, and cTrader.

Titan Capital Markets -Some Important Details about This Broker

Titan Capital Markets -Some Important Details about This Broker

Titan Capital Markets is a forex broker that provides trading services to clients around the world. The company offers 30+ forex pairs through its proprietary trading platform, Titan Webtrader. It claims to offer competitive spreads and low commissions. The company also provides educational resources and customer support services to help traders improve their trading skills and address any issues or concerns.



Tickmill, the trading name of Tickmill Group of companies, is a regulated global forex and CFD brokerage company established in 2014, headquartered in London, UK. Tickmill offers trading in 60+ currency pairs, 15+ indices, 500 stocks & ETFs, bonds, commodities (precious metals and energies), cryptos, futures & options with three choices of trading accounts, which are the Classic, Raw, and Tickmill Trader Raw accounts. The available trading platforms include MetaTrader4/5 and Tickmill Trader.



nabtrade is an investment platform that provides various products and asset classes such as Shares, Fixed income and cash, and Managed investments. It also offers a NAB Margin Loan with flexible terms of 3 to 10 years, starting from $20,000, and a special discount of 2.0%. Clients can borrow funds to invest in many options, including ASX-listed securities, international shares, and managed funds. nabtrade offers online trading of domestic and international shares from as low as $9.95* (international shares plus foreign exchange) In addition, nabtrade uses a high-interest account, which can earn a floating cash rate of 4.50% per annum - up to a maximum balance of $1 million. Open a cash account offering interest rates of 0.5%-1.85% per annum to settle domestic and international trades.

Tastyworks-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Tastyworks-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

tastytrade is an unregulated online brokerage company founded in 2017, where client can trade options, stocks and futures instruments. The company has headquarters in Chicago, US and was created by the founders of the Thinkorswim platform, including Scott Sheridan and Tom Sosnoff, along with former CFO Kristi Ross and CTO Linwood Ma. Tastyworks is also a partnering brokerage to the financial news network Tastytrade.

UOB Thailand

UOB Thailand

Founded in 1935, UOB operates in Asia with a network spanning Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and China. It has more than 500 offices in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe, and North America. As part of UOB, United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Limited ("UOB Thailand") is a regional bank rooted in Thailand that provides financial expertise and connectivity to customers. UOB Thailand offers a wide range of financial services, including personal financial services, commercial and corporate banking, and treasury services. Users can download UOB TMRW through the Apple Store, Google Play, and Huawei AppGallery. No annual fee for the first year to open a new account or apply for a credit card, 24/7 assistance, etc.

TD Ameritrade-Important Details about This Broker

TD Ameritrade-Important Details about This Broker

TD Ameritrade Hong Kong Ltd. is registered with the Securities and Futures Commission (CE number BJO462) to carry out the regulated activities of dealing in securities and dealing in futures contracts and does not provide tax, legal or investment advice or recommendations. TD Ameritrade in Hong Kong enables retail investors to trade the U.S. markets by providing access to cutting edge trading technology, discount commission rates, free education, and outstanding customer service. TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC, and a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly owned by TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. and The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

First Option FX

First Option FX

First Option FX is allegedly a forex broker registered in China that claims to provide its clients with various tradable financial instruments with leverage up to 1:500 and variable spreads from 1.3 pips on the industry-standard MetaTrader5 trading platform, as well as a choice of three different live account types.

LCM -Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

LCM -Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

LCM, also known as London Currency Markets, is an offshore ECN/STP broker registered in Turkey, and advertises that it offers trading in FX, Commodities, Indices and Stock CFDs through the MT5 platform. However, LCM currently doesn’t hold any valid regulatory license to operate financial services.

RCG Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

RCG Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

RCG MARKETS is an intermediary financial service provider established in 2018. RCG Markets direct market access for the execution of trades for various CFD's and FX for individuals (retail traders/speculators), professional money managers (Hedge Fund Managers) and Corporates (Investment Firms. It says to be licensed and authorized by South Africa Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA: FSP49769), but it is exceeded, which means the broker is not legally regulated by the popular regulatory agencies.

Crystal Trust

Crystal Trust

Crystal Trust is a smart investment product. It is limited to the activities of financial services firms and their professionals, and financial products are actual commodities, accounts, or investments provided by them. Clients can choose various plan options with up to 20% return on principal every day. Withdrawal processing time is within 12 business hours.

MonFX Pte. Ltd

MonFX Pte. Ltd

MonFX Pte Ltd. is part of the financial services group Monex SAPI de CV ("Monex"), a global investment-grade financial services institution specializing in corporate payments and foreign exchange services. In 2022, MonFX will expand its payment services to account issuance, domestic remittances, and e-money issuance.



RAND SWISS is a South African based broker-dealer specializing in securities broking, custody solutions, and wealth and advisory. Securities brokerage covers accounts, foreign exchange trading, and platform login content. Custody solutions include model portfolios such as the Global Equity Portfolio, South African Equity Portfolio, and Future Tech AI Portfolio, structured products like the Offshore Core Global Growth Report and the Worst Triple Index Auto-Subscription, and custody, including Citibank, Fidelity, and Swissquote Bank. Wealth and Advisory encompasses investments such as offshore and local investments, pre-retirement and post-retirement planning, Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), tax wrapping, estate planning like wills, trusts, and fiduciary services, and risk and protection such as income protection - life insurance and business risk.

Forex Price Trend Prediction! | Come be a New Year Price Winner!

Forex Price Trend Prediction! | Come be a New Year Price Winner!

Become a New Year Price Winner by predicting the fluctuations of Forex!



Founded in 2016, Gungin is a FSA-licensed securities company specializing in a variety of transactions and services, providing various products including domestic stocks, foreign stocks, investment trusts, ETFs/REITS, etc. In addition, it also provides market investment trust information such as major stock indices, investment trust rankings, major currency exchange rates, etc.

Clearstream Opens Euro Channel to Connect Romanian Bond Market

Clearstream Opens Euro Channel to Connect Romanian Bond Market

Clearstream expands access to Romanian bonds, enhancing international investment opportunities through Euro-denominated instruments and streamlined settlement services.

Self Bank

Self Bank

Registered in Spain, Self Bank is a self-service bank that offers a wide range of banking products (checking accounts, bank cards, paid accounts, deposits, etc.). In 2019, Warburg Pincus and former Santander CEO Javier Marín partnered to acquire Self Bank and establish the private banking company Singular Bank. Self Bank became the digital bank of Singular Bank and offers solutions for all audiences. Clients have access to more than 4,000 funds from more than 70 managers, and we also provide you with a wide range of ETFs and personal advisory services at no additional charge.

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