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Australian Dollar Price Chart: AUD/USD Reversal Stalls– Trade Outlook

Australian Dollar Price Chart: AUD/USD Reversal Stalls– Trade Outlook

The Australian Dollar is up more than 2.6% on the back of a five-day rally with price eyeing initial resistance. These are the levels that matter on the AUD/USD charts.

Japanese Yen Price Targets: USD/JPY Breakout Pending- Trade Levels

Japanese Yen Price Targets: USD/JPY Breakout Pending- Trade Levels

Price has set a well-defined weekly opening-range just below downtrend resistance and were looking for the break. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/JPY charts.

Oil Price Targets: Crude Recovery Eyes August Highs– WTI Trade Levels

Oil Price Targets: Crude Recovery Eyes August Highs– WTI Trade Levels

Oil prices have surged nearly 5% this week with the advance now targeting downtrend resistance. Here are the trade levels that matter on the WTI weekly chart.

Silver Price Targets: XAG Surges to Fresh Yearly Highs– Trade Levels

Silver Price Targets: XAG Surges to Fresh Yearly Highs– Trade Levels

Silver prices have rallied to fresh yearly highs with the advance now targeting uptrend resistance. These are the levels that matter on the XAG/USD charts this week.

Gold Price Targets: XAU/USD Breakout Halted at Trend Resistance

Gold Price Targets: XAU/USD Breakout Halted at Trend Resistance

Gold prices ripped into multi-year trend resistance this week - the breakout is vulnerable while below. Here are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.

US Dollar Price Outlook: DXY Threatens Larger Recovery– Trade Targets

US Dollar Price Outlook: DXY Threatens Larger Recovery– Trade Targets

A rebound in the US Dollar has price testing a near-term resistance pivot and were looking for a reaction here. These are the levels that matter on the DXY charts.

Oil Price Outlook: Crude Spills into Support – WTI Trade Levels

Oil Price Outlook: Crude Spills into Support – WTI Trade Levels

Oil prices plummeted more than 15% from the July highs with crude now threatening a break of the June lows. Here are the levels that matter on the WTI technical charts.

Gold Price Targets: Weekly Reversal Testing Resistance at Yearly High

Gold Price Targets: Weekly Reversal Testing Resistance at Yearly High

Gold prices are poised to mark the largest advance in six-weeks with price now challenging the yearly highs. Here are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.

Gold Price Targets: Breakout Stalls – XAU/USD Coils Below Resistance

Gold Price Targets: Breakout Stalls – XAU/USD Coils Below Resistance

Gold prices are softer this week after reversing off key uptrend resistance. Here are the breakout levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart into the close of July.

Gold Price Targets: Breakout Stalls – XUA/USD Coils Below Resistance

Gold Price Targets: Breakout Stalls – XUA/USD Coils Below Resistance

Gold prices are softer this week after reversing off key uptrend resistance. Here are the breakout levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart into the close of July.

EUR/JPY Price Chart: Outside-day Reversal Off Key Support Post-ECB

EUR/JPY Price Chart: Outside-day Reversal Off Key Support Post-ECB

EUR/JPY is poised to mark an outside-day reversal off key weekly support on the back of the ECB today. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/JPY weekly chart.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breaks Out – Loonie Trade Levels

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breaks Out – Loonie Trade Levels

The Canadian Dollar is on the defensive this week with price now attempting to break the monthly opening-range. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Silver Price Chart: XAG Rally Rips to Resistance at Fresh Yearly High

Silver Price Chart: XAG Rally Rips to Resistance at Fresh Yearly High

Silver prices rallied nearly 15% off the yearly lows with the advance now eyeing a critical resistance zone. Here are the levels that matter on the XAG/USD weekly chart.

Oil Price Chart: Crude Crushed Down to Support – WTI Trade Levels

Oil Price Chart: Crude Crushed Down to Support – WTI Trade Levels

Oil prices have sold off for the past five days with crude now approaching the first major support zone. Here are the levels that matter on the WTI technical charts.

Sterling Price Chart: British Pound Testing Post-Brexit Support

Sterling Price Chart: British Pound Testing Post-Brexit Support

Sterling is testing a critical support confluence just below the January lows - the battle lines are drawn. Here are the levels that matter on the GBP/USD weekly chart.

Gold Price Weekly Outlook: XAU/USD Rally Losing Steam into July Trade

Gold Price Weekly Outlook: XAU/USD Rally Losing Steam into July Trade

Gold prices are poised for a sixth consecutive weekly advance with rally vulnerable int the start of July. Here are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.

Euro Weekly Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Eyes Yearly Open into Q3

Euro Weekly Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Eyes Yearly Open into Q3

Euro has rallied more than 2.7% off the yearly lows with the advance now testing initial resistance targets. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/USD weekly chart.

Sterling Dollar Price Chart: GBP/USD Recovery Fails at Yearly Open

Sterling Dollar Price Chart: GBP/USD Recovery Fails at Yearly Open

Sterling turned from yearly open resistance today & leaves the recent advance vulnerable into the June close. Here are the levels that matter on the GBP/USD price chart.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: Loonie Gains Slam USD/CAD into Support

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: Loonie Gains Slam USD/CAD into Support

An outside-weekly reversal in the Canadian Dollar cleared the monthly range last week. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD price charts into the June close.

US Dollar Index Weekly Price Outlook: USD Collapse Searches Support

US Dollar Index Weekly Price Outlook: USD Collapse Searches Support

The US Dollar Index is poised to mark an outside-weekly reversal with price now challenging the June range low. These are the levels that matter on the DXY weekly chart.

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