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概要:A man in Taiwan swallowed his AirPod while sleeping and found that it still worked, according to The Daily Mail. He passed the device naturally.
{1} 据“每日邮报”报道,台湾一名男子在吞下并通过消化系统后仍然可以使用AirPod.Ben Hsu据报道,AirPod没有直接暴露在电池中,因为他并没有直接接触到电池,因为他没有直接接触到电池,引用急诊室医生的话说。访问Business Insider的主页了解更多故事。台湾一名男子据“每日邮报”报道,他发现他的AirPod在他不小心吞下它之后仍然可以正常使用。据报道,Ben Hsu在戴着Apple的无线耳塞时睡着了,发现他醒来后丢失了一个耳机。据“每日邮报”报道,他随后使用Apple的跟踪功能找到它,这会提示松散的AirPod连接并在范围内播放声音。许听到哔哔声,但最初并不知道它来自哪里。根据“每日邮报”的说法,“我在我的毯子下检查并环顾四周但找不到它 - 然后我意识到声音来自我的肚子,”他说道。更多:你的AirPods可能很恶心 - 这里是如何清洁的他们甜蜜的嵌入://twitter.com/mims/statuses/1123686296147439616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw男人不小心吞下了Apple AirPod ......它在通过他的系统后仍然可以工作https://t.co/nxioruNpMi高雄医务人员据报道,市立医院确实证实AirPod在胃里并正在通过他的消化系统。 Hsu说他在自然通过之后第二天就找到了AirPod。据“每日邮报”报道,耳塞仍然完好无损,在清洁后让它干燥。“电池仍处于41%的状态。” “实在太棒了。”报告称,他将苹果AirPods的体验称为“神奇的”。在医院的急诊室工作的医生说,吞咽AirPod并没有伤害Hsu,因为他没有直接接触到设备的电池。这不是第一次时间el吞噬了电子设备。据“生活科学”杂志报道,2016年,爱尔兰的一名男子吞下了整部手机,不得不接受手术将其从胃中取出。该事件记录在国际外科手术病例报告中,据说该男子已正常康复。韩国的一名13岁女孩也吞下了她的Misfit Shine健身追踪器,据医学博士报道,该健身追踪器仍然有效。 {1}{0}{1}
A man in Taiwan found that his AirPod still worked after being swallowed and passing through his digestive system, according to The Daily Mail.Ben Hsu is said to have swallowed the earbud while he was sleeping.The AirPod did not harm Hsu because he was not directly exposed to its battery, the report says, citing an emergency room doctor.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.A man in Taiwan found that his AirPod was still functional after he had accidentally swallowed it, according to a report from the Daily Mail.Ben Hsu reportedly fell asleep while wearing Apple's wireless earbuds and found that he was missing one headphone when he woke up. He then used Apple's tracking feature to find it, which prompts a loose AirPod that's connected and within range to play a sound, the Daily Mail reports. Hsu heard the beeping sound, but did not initially know where it was coming from. “I checked under my blanket and looked around but couldn't find it — then I realized the sound was coming from my stomach,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.Read more: Your AirPods are probably disgusting — here's how to clean themTweet Embed: //twitter.com/mims/statuses/1123686296147439616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Man accidentally swallows an Apple AirPod… and it STILL WORKS after it passes through his system https://t.co/nxioruNpMi Medics at the Kaohsiung Municipal Hospital indeed confirmed that the AirPod was in his stomach and was in the process of passing through his digestive system, the report said. Hsu said he found the AirPod the next day after passing it naturally. The earbud was still intact and worked properly after he had cleaned it and let it dry.“The battery was still at 41%,” he said according to The Daily Mail. “It was incredible.” He referred to his experience with Apple's AirPods as “magical,” says the report.A doctor who works in the hospital's emergency room said that swallowing the AirPod did not harm Hsu because he was not directly exposed to the device's battery.It's not the first time electronic devices have been swallowed. In 2016, a man in Ireland swallowed an entire cell phone and had to undergo surgery to remove it from his stomach, Live Science reported. The incident was documented in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, and the man is said to have recovered normally. A 13-year-old girl in South Korea also swallowed her Misfit Shine fitness tracker, which also still worked after doctors removed it, as Live Science also reported.