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US Dollar
Kiwi Weekly Price Outlook: NZD/USD Reversal to Threaten Yearly Lows

Kiwi Weekly Price Outlook: NZD/USD Reversal to Threaten Yearly Lows

Kiwi is down more than 2% this week with the pullback targeting major support just lower. These are the levels that matter on the NZD/USD weekly chart.

NZDUSD, AUDUSD Tumble to Support. RBNZ, RBA Rate Cut Bets Deepen

NZDUSD, AUDUSD Tumble to Support. RBNZ, RBA Rate Cut Bets Deepen

The NZDUSD and AUDUSD are tumbling to support as increasingly dovish RBNZ and RBA monetary policy bets are undermining their appeal, boosting the Japanese Yen as carry trades unwind.

Euro Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Stalls – Trade Levels to Know

Euro Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Stalls – Trade Levels to Know

Last weeks breakout in Euro has fueled a nearly 2% rally with the advance stalling into slope resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/USD price charts.

US Dollar Steadies as Fed Rate Cut Odds Stabilize - Calendar Driving Prices

US Dollar Steadies as Fed Rate Cut Odds Stabilize - Calendar Driving Prices

The US Dollar (via the DXY Index) has not seen significant follow through after breaking key technical levels last week. That simply may just be a function of the calendar.

Aussie Price Outlook: Australian Dollar Breakout Vulnerable into RBA

Aussie Price Outlook: Australian Dollar Breakout Vulnerable into RBA

The Aussie breakout is testing initial resistances targets with the RBA on tap tonight – a cut is expected. Here are the levels that matter on the AUD/USD charts.

USDCAD Rips and Dips on Tariffs, USMCA Deal, BOC Report

USDCAD Rips and Dips on Tariffs, USMCA Deal, BOC Report

USDCAD soared then swooned in a volatile trading session due to downbeat rhetoric found in the Bank of Canadas latest Financial Stability Report but now being offset by positive USMCA deal news.

US Dollar Rises, EURUSD Targets 2017 Lows as Fed Rate Cut Bets Cool

US Dollar Rises, EURUSD Targets 2017 Lows as Fed Rate Cut Bets Cool

The US Dollar extended gains alongside the S&P 500 with rising bond yields, EUR/USD cleared support and the Euro may retest June 2017 lows again on market positioning signals.

GBPUSD Uptrend Extends on Pressure for a Brexit Deal, Yen May Fall

GBPUSD Uptrend Extends on Pressure for a Brexit Deal, Yen May Fall

GBP/USD surged, heading for resistance amidst pressures in the UK to get a Brexit deal, BoE rate hike bets brewing. S&P 500 gains may translate into follow-through for Asia as Yen falls.

US Dollar Weekly Forecast: After May Fed Meeting & April NFP, Fed Speakers & April Inflation Due Up

US Dollar Weekly Forecast: After May Fed Meeting & April NFP, Fed Speakers & April Inflation Due Up

A slew of Fed policymakers will hit the lecture circuit this week, while the only ‘high’ rated data release is the April US inflation report due on Friday.

Currency Volatility: EURUSD in Spotlight Ahead of EZ Inflation, US NFP

Currency Volatility: EURUSD in Spotlight Ahead of EZ Inflation, US NFP

Tomorrow's economic data from the Eurozone and United States highlights EURUSD with inflation and nonfarm payroll numbers on deck. What might forex traders expect for spot prices?

Sterling Weekly Price Outlook: GBP/USD Breakdown Searches for Support

Sterling Weekly Price Outlook: GBP/USD Breakdown Searches for Support

Sterling broke a multi-month consolidation pattern last week with price now eyeing broader uptrend support. Here are the levels that matter on the GBP/USD weekly chart.

Gold Prices May Extend Drop, AUD/USD At the Mercy of China Q1 GDP

Gold Prices May Extend Drop, AUD/USD At the Mercy of China Q1 GDP

Gold prices may extend drop as XAU/USD breached support on a stronger US Dollar and rising government bond yields. AUD/USD and risk trends are at the mercy of Q1 China GDP data.

Aussie Price Outlook: Australian Dollar Breakout Faces First Test

Aussie Price Outlook: Australian Dollar Breakout Faces First Test

Aussie is top performer against the US Dollar this week with the price breakout now at testing resistance targets. Here are the levels that matter on the AUD/USD charts.

Spot Gold Price Chart Reveals Plunge Towards Support as USD Rips Higher

Spot Gold Price Chart Reveals Plunge Towards Support as USD Rips Higher

Spot gold is coming under pressure today, likely in response to a surging US Dollar following less-dovish remarks from Fed officials revealed in the latest FOMC minutes. Which key XAUUSD technical levels might be targeted next?

Currency Volatility: EURUSD Traders Eye ECB Meeting, Fed Minutes

Currency Volatility: EURUSD Traders Eye ECB Meeting, Fed Minutes

EURUSD overnight implied volatility jumped to its highest level in over a month as forex traders gear up for potentially sharp reactions to the latest ECB meeting and Fed minutes expected tomorrow.

US Dollar Weekly Forecast: ECB Meeting, US Inflation, Fed Minutes on Tap

US Dollar Weekly Forecast: ECB Meeting, US Inflation, Fed Minutes on Tap

The US Dollar will deal with several important data releases over the coming week, including US inflation data and the Fed meeting minutes.

Kiwi Price Outlook: NZD/USD Post-RBNZ Sell-Off Targets Yearly Support

Kiwi Price Outlook: NZD/USD Post-RBNZ Sell-Off Targets Yearly Support

Kiwi is off nearly 2% from the monthly highs on the back of the RBNZ rate decision. Here are the targets & invalidation levels that matter on the NZD/USD charts.

Yen Weakens as Crude Oil Prices Rise. NZD May Fall on Dovish RBNZ

Yen Weakens as Crude Oil Prices Rise. NZD May Fall on Dovish RBNZ

The anti-risk Japanese Yen fell as sentiment mostly improved and crude oil price gains fueled energy sector stocks. Ahead, NZD/USD may fall if the RBNZ talks up rate cut prospects.

S&P 500 Falls, Leaves Reversal Warning. Japanese Yen May Gain

S&P 500 Falls, Leaves Reversal Warning. Japanese Yen May Gain

Sentiment collapsed on Friday following dismal European economic data with the S&P 500 leaving bearish reversal warnings. Asia Pacific stocks may fall as anti-risk Japanese Yen gains.

Less Dovish Fed May Boost USD/SGD as More Dovish BSP Lifts USD/PHP

Less Dovish Fed May Boost USD/SGD as More Dovish BSP Lifts USD/PHP

The US Dollar may rise on a Fed that is not quite as dovish as markets expect, sending USD/SGD higher as ASEAN currencies depreciate. USD/PHP

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