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Абстракт:TV and movie audiences are necessarily turned off by a lack of realism, but some productions really push the boundaries of believability.
The audiences for most blockbuster movies and television series aren't necessarily turned off by a lack of realism.
Nevertheless, both big and small screen productions have a habit of straining credulity, especially when it comes to on-screen weapons.
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In this era of massive budget blockbusters and even bigger “shared universe” movie franchises, it's safe to say that we're not always looking for realism at the cinema.
While films are capable of conveying lots of different sorts of messages, the common thread that binds them is entertainment, and as such, reality often falls to the wayside in favor of plot convenience, storytelling, or sometimes, just a lack of scientific understanding.
Movies that are “based on a true story” tend to bear little resemblance to the “true stories” they're based on, movies about the military almost invariably fail to capture the culture or even the vernacular of American troops, and the Fast and Furious franchise has a physics all its own… but some movies do a good job of establishing that the rules of their cinematic universes are similar to our own, only to offer up weapons that, at best, don't make sense, and at worst, would leave their user reduced to little more than a puddle of goo.
Some of these nonsensical weapons play small roles in the movies they inhabit, while others, like these, have become cultural touchstones; serving as symbols of the fictional universes they inhabit and the fandoms they inspire.
These weapons are cool, dynamic, exciting… and would totally get you killed in a real fight.
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