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Key Economic Calendar Events for This Week (August 5-9, 2024)

Key Economic Calendar Events for This Week (August 5-9, 2024)

This week's economic events include: Japan's Monetary Policy Minutes and U.S. Services PMI on Monday, impacting JPY and USD. Tuesday's RBA Interest Rate Decision affects AUD, with German Factory Orders influencing EUR. Wednesday sees German Industrial Production and U.S. Crude Inventories impacting EUR and USD. Thursday: RBA Governor speaks, with U.S. Jobless Claims. Friday: China's CPI and Canada's Unemployment Rate affect CNY and CAD.

Anticipating the Nonfarm Payroll Report

Anticipating the Nonfarm Payroll Report

As we approach the Nonfarm Payroll (NFP) report on August 2, 2024, market participants are keenly observing the data for insights into the U.S. labor market. The report is expected to show an increase of 194,000 to 206,000 jobs for July, indicating modest growth. This suggests potential softening in the labor market. A weaker-than-expected report could prompt the Fed to consider rate cuts, influencing the USD. Major currency pairs and gold prices will likely see volatility around the NFP release

High Volatility Economic Events for This Week (GMT+8)

High Volatility Economic Events for This Week (GMT+8)

This week, key economic events expected to generate high volatility include China's Q2 GDP and retail sales data, impacting CNY. The US will release Core Retail Sales and Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index, affecting USD. The UK's CPI data will influence GBP, and the ECB Interest Rate Decision and Press Conference will impact EUR. These events will drive significant market movements due to their influence on monetary policy and economic outlooks.

Global Market Insights: Key Events and Economic Analysis Part 2

Global Market Insights: Key Events and Economic Analysis Part 2

This week's global market analysis covers significant movements and events. Fed Chairman Powell's cautious stance on interest rates impacts the USD. TSMC benefits from Samsung's strike. Geopolitical tensions rise with Putin's diplomacy. PBOC plans bond sales to stabilize CNY. Key economic events include Core CPI, PPI, and Michigan Consumer Sentiment for the USA, and GDP data for the UK. These factors influence currency movements and market sentiment globally.

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 2

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 2

Geopolitical tensions rise as Chinese and Russian firms develop attack drones, potentially aiding Russia. Trump’s fundraising outpaces Biden, increasing political uncertainty. New Japanese banknotes may boost investment and spending. Changes in China’s financial sector align with "common prosperity" policies. Asian stocks rise with easing U.S. inflation concerns, while oil prices surge on reduced U.S. inventories. Slow services growth in China and strong retail sales in Australia affect respecti

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 1

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 1

Geopolitical tensions rise as Chinese and Russian firms develop attack drones, potentially aiding Russia. Trump’s fundraising outpaces Biden, increasing political uncertainty. New Japanese banknotes may boost investment and spending. Changes in China’s financial sector align with "common prosperity" policies. Asian stocks rise with easing U.S. inflation concerns, while oil prices surge on reduced U.S. inventories. Slow services growth in China and strong retail sales in Australia affect respecti

Weekly Economic Calendar: Key Events Impacting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU)

Weekly Economic Calendar: Key Events Impacting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU)

This week's economic calendar is packed with key events affecting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU). In the USA, watch for Core PCE Price Index, ISM Manufacturing PMI, Initial Jobless Claims, and JOLTs Job Openings. Japan releases the Tankan Large Manufacturers Index and Services PMI. The UK focuses on Manufacturing and Construction PMI, while the Eurozone releases CPI and Services PMI data. Each event's potential impacts on currencies and gold are analyzed for market insights.

Today's analysis: The Federal Reserve's interest rate decision is approaching, putting downward pressure on gold prices.

Today's analysis: The Federal Reserve's interest rate decision is approaching, putting downward pressure on gold prices.

The Federal Reserve is expected to keep interest rates unchanged, which could support the US dollar and pressure gold prices if a hawkish stance is taken. Gold prices continue to decline after breaking an upward wedge pattern, with a key support level at $2250. The 14-day RSI indicates further potential decline unless prices recover above the 50-day and 21-day moving averages.

Japan’s Long-term Treasury Yield Surge

Japan’s Long-term Treasury Yield Surge

In the most recent trading session, asset classes remained largely unchanged as markets awaited key U.S. inflation data. The Producer Price Index (PPI) is set for release today, followed by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) tomorrow.

GemForex - weekly analysis

GemForex - weekly analysis

The week ahead: Currency Price action at the mercy of the Macro Sentiment

GemForex - weekly analysis

GemForex - weekly analysis

The Week ahead: US flexes its muscles ahead of US inflation report

U.S. 10-year Treasury yields rose, U.S. stock indexes fell, gold fluctuated

U.S. 10-year Treasury yields rose, U.S. stock indexes fell, gold fluctuated

U.S. 10-year Treasury yields rose, U.S. stock indexes fell, gold fluctuated

The three major U.S. stock indexes fluctuated widely, and the daily correction of the gold line ended the four-week losing streak

The three major U.S. stock indexes fluctuated widely, and the daily correction of the gold line ended the four-week losing streak

The three major U.S. stock indexes fluctuated widely, and the daily correction of the gold line ended the four-week losing streak

The U.S. economic growth forecast was downgraded, and the three major stock indexes fell unilaterally

The U.S. economic growth forecast was downgraded, and the three major stock indexes fell unilaterally

The U.S. economic growth forecast was downgraded, and the three major stock indexes fell unilaterally

Strong U.S. retail sales data, Powell promises Fed to keep raising interest rates

Strong U.S. retail sales data, Powell promises Fed to keep raising interest rates

Strong U.S. retail sales data, Powell promises Fed to keep raising interest rates

The three major U.S. stock indexes rose collectively, and spot gold continued to decline

The three major U.S. stock indexes rose collectively, and spot gold continued to decline

The three major U.S. stock indexes rose collectively, and spot gold continued to decline

The U.S. CPI in April recorded a year-on-year increase of 8.3%, and the market is betting that the Fed will raise interest rates by 70bps rate in June

The U.S. CPI in April recorded a year-on-year increase of 8.3%, and the market is betting that the Fed will raise interest rates by 70bps rate in June

The U.S. CPI in April recorded a year-on-year increase of 8.3%, and the market is betting that the Fed will raise interest rates by 70bps rate in June

U.S. stocks continue to fall, Dow gold continues to fall!

U.S. stocks continue to fall, Dow gold continues to fall!

U.S. stocks continue to fall, Dow gold continues to fall!

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