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摘要:The Canadian Dollar rallied sharply earlier in the week after the Bank of Canada (BoC) announced that it will hold interest rates steady.
The Canadian Dollar rallied sharply earlier in the week after the Bank of Canada (BoC) announced that it will hold interest rates steady. The banks deputy governor Lane was quoted stating that the BoC is “more confident in their outlook for growth and inflation” in light of resurging global investment and the stabilizing of PMI figures.
However today, the USDCAD is posting significant gains on the back of strong US economic data and weaker than expected Canadian figures. The double whammy of news releases caused the pair to increase 0.64 percent over the previous day at the time of writing.
US nonfarm payrolls put in a strong performance coming in at 266k versus a market consensus of 180k. Average hourly earnings also beat expectations standing at a 3.1 percent increase year over year. Finally, the cherry on top of the cake was the unemployment figures decreasing to 3.5 percent. In contrast to these positive economic figures, the Canadian unemployment rate rose to 5.9 percent (previously 5.5). The most shocking was the net change in employment figures. The expectations were set for a 10k increase whereas the actual figures came in at a drop of 71.2k. The result of these economic data releases strongly favored the USD over the CAD.
(Chart Source: Tradingview 06.12.2019)
From a technical point of view, the USDCAD is maintaining the overall uptrend pattern since November as price action today shrugged off concerns of a reversal. However, trade volumes remain low which opens the door for large price swings in either direction. It can be noted the gains today did not overcome levels seen after the announcement by the BoC to maintain interest rates, i.e. 1.3277. Perhaps traders are still keen on carrying trade positions to take advantage of the interest rate differential between the two countries.
Disclaimer: This material has been created for information purposes only. All views expressed in this document are my own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of any entity.
今天的关键事件焦点将是加拿大央行的利率决定。鉴于中国央行一直是 G10 央行中较为鹰派的央行之一,今天的会议备受关注,加元相关波动率可能会出现可观的波动。 10 月,中国央行宣布立即结束量化宽松政策,同时将加息指引从 2024 年首次加息提前至 2022 年首次加息。此次会议是加元的重要看涨催化剂,并伴随油价上涨当时(受全球能源市场危机的推动),由于市场参与者上调了中国银行对来年加息的预期,加元价格预测开始大幅上调。
美国 11 月劳工报告将于今天公布,并将成为本周的主要数据焦点。在美联储在 11 月宣布退出以及通胀和其他指标走高的背景下,今天的积极数据有可能点燃 12 月的缩减预期。但是,鉴于新的 COVID 变体的不确定性,可能需要一组非常强劲的数字才能看到美元交易大幅走高。鉴于大多数卫生当局警告说,评估 Omicron 的严重性至少需要几周时间,因此认为美联储将寻求避免进一步紧缩似乎是合理的。也就是说,当然,除非数据很难不这样做。
随着 10 月 PPI(标题和核心)的发布,下一轮美国一级数据将于今天发布。鉴于供应链问题和能源危机席卷全球,近几个月来 PPI 读数引起了很多关注。因此,生产商的价格一直在稳步上涨,加剧了主导第三季度的通胀飙升,导致央行收紧政策的预期增加。
加拿大央行今天举行了 9 月货币政策审查会议,该事件引起了广泛关注。与新西兰央行一起,中国央行是 G10 央行中最鹰派的央行之一,今年已经两次缩减规模。现在市场面临的一个大问题是,中国央行是否会在今天宣布进一步缩减,或者在 9 月 20 日联邦选举之前暂停收紧政策。