WikiFX، كمنصة مستقلة لخدمة المعلومات تابعة لجهة خارجية، مخصصة لتزويد المستخدمين بخدمات معلومات تنظيمية شاملة وموضوعية عن الوسطاء. لا تشارك WikiFX بشكل مباشر في أي أنشطة تداول فوركس، ولا تقدم أي شكل من أشكال توصيات قنوات التداول أو المشورة الاستثمارية. تستند تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء من قبل WikiFX إلى معلومات موضوعية متاحة للجمهور وتأخذ في الاعتبار الاختلافات في السياسة التنظيمية لمختلف البلدان والمناطق. تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء هي المنتجات الأساسية لـ WikiFX، ونحن نعارض بشدة أي ممارسات تجارية قد تعرض موضوعيتهم ونزاهتهم للخطر. نرحب بالإشراف والاقتراحات من المستخدمين في جميع أنحاء العالم. الخط الساخن للشكاوى:
Myaccount Upgrade Announcement

Myaccount Upgrade Announcement

We are pleased to announce that STARTRADER MyAccount is scheduled for system upgrade starting at 00:00 platform time (GMT+3) on July 6, 2024, and will be completed within the same day.

Trading Hours Adjustment of Cryptocurrency Products

Trading Hours Adjustment of Cryptocurrency Products

Trading Hours Adjustment of Cryptocurrency Products

STARTRADER Secures 4 Awards at ProFX Awards Ceremony

STARTRADER Secures 4 Awards at ProFX Awards Ceremony

In an honorable moment, STARTRADER has received 4 prestigious awards at the ProFX Awards ceremony held on 31 May 2024, Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel in Dubai, UAE.

Market Closure in June

Market Closure in June

Please be advised that the following instruments' trading hours and market session times will be affected by the upcoming June holidays.

STARTRADER Shines at Colombian Financial Expo, Garnering Widespread Media Praise!

STARTRADER Shines at Colombian Financial Expo, Garnering Widespread Media Praise!

STARTRADER presented its future vision at the Colombian Financial Expo on May 17, 2024, seamlessly integrating it with traditional elegance, thus captivate the broader audience, both within and outside the industry During this expo, STARTRADER showcased not only their creative ideas and embrace of technology but also their appreciation of historic traditions.

STARTRADER Wins the Best Forex Trading App Award at EMG Publishing

STARTRADER Wins the Best Forex Trading App Award at EMG Publishing

Recently, STARTRADER has proudly secured an award from EMG Publishing. This award stands as a testimony of the team’s continuous dedication to actively listen to the needs of their client, with the hope of addressing these needs in the best ways possible. STARTRADER has recently introduced a trading app that has garnered great praise from clients. Nevertheless, STARTRADER has optimized their APP further so that it has become one of the best online trading apps.

STARTRADER Infuses Fresh Energy into Trading with a Dynamic Launch in Thailand!

STARTRADER Infuses Fresh Energy into Trading with a Dynamic Launch in Thailand!

On May 18th, STARTRADER, an industry leading firm in the financial market, injected fresh energy into the industry in Thailand. Collaborating with the brand’s partners, they held an influential event that opened potential limitless opportunities for all participants.

STARTRADER Strengthens Client Relationships and Expands Outreach with Exclusive Event in Pondicherry

STARTRADER Strengthens Client Relationships and Expands Outreach with Exclusive Event in Pondicherry

On May 11, 2024, STARTRADER, a distinguished leader in the financial trading industry, hosted an impactful networking event in Pondicherry, India.

STARTRADER App Upgraded to  Elevate Your Trading Journey

STARTRADER App Upgraded to Elevate Your Trading Journey

We would like to share some good news about our app! We have implemented significant enhancements to elevate your trading journey with it.

Trading Hour Adjustment AUDCNH

Trading Hour Adjustment AUDCNH

To improve the trading experience for our clients, we have decided to modify the quote and trading hours for AUDCNH, effective 6 May, 2024.

New Products Launch in April

New Products Launch in April

We are pleased to announce that STARTRADER will launch new products on April 22nd, 2024 to provide clients with a broader portfolio of products.

Market Closure in April

Market Closure in April

Please be advised that the following instruments' trading hours and market session times will be affected by the upcoming April holidays.

Rollover Notification in April

Rollover Notification in April

Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates in the table below. As there can be a pricing difference between old and new futures contracts, we recommend clients to monitor their positions closely and manage positions accordingly.

Market Closure in April

Market Closure in April

Please be advised that the following instruments' trading hours and market session times will be affected by the upcoming April holidays.

Modification of Long Swap Rates for Cryptocurrency Products

Modification of Long Swap Rates for Cryptocurrency Products

With the current bullish trend in cryptocurrencies, long positions for all cryptocurrency products (excluding USDTJPY) are incurring interest rate. Our company would have to reflect this on clients’ positions as well.

Trading Hour Schedule Changes for EU/UK Daylight Saving

Trading Hour Schedule Changes for EU/UK Daylight Saving

Please note that in observance of the upcoming Daylight Saving Time in EU/UK , there will be changes to STARTRADER's trading schedule from 31st March 2024.

New Products Launch in March

New Products Launch in March

We are pleased to announce that STARTRADER will launch new products on March 18th, 2024 to provide clients with a broader portfolio of products.

Trading Hours Update: US Daylight Saving Time Adjustment

Trading Hours Update: US Daylight Saving Time Adjustment

Dear Valued Clients, We would like to inform you that due to the start of US Daylight Saving Time, there will be adjustments to the trading hours for specific instruments effective Sunday, 10 March 2024 as the platform hours shift from GMT+2 to GMT+3.

Rollover Notification in March

Rollover Notification in March

Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates in the table below. As there can be a pricing difference between old and new futures contracts, we recommend clients to monitor their positions closely and manage positions accordingly.

Market Closure in March

Market Closure in March

Please be advised that the following instruments' trading hours and market session times will be affected by the upcoming March holidays.


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فوركس تداولتداول العملات الأجنبيةاسعار العملاتوسطاء الفوركسنقد النقد الاجنبىسوق الفوركسحساب الفوركسالتطبيق الفوركستجارة النقد الاجنبى الآليتحليل الفوركسخوارزمية الفوركستنبيهات الفوركستاجر الفوركسوسيط الفوركسنظام النقد الاجنبى يعملوسطاء الفوركس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةأساسيات الفوركسصندوق النقد الاجنبىالفوركس بلوقالبنك الفوركسالفوركس مؤشر ب مدار الساعةالنقد الاجنبى ب مدار الساعةمخططات الفوركسالعملة الفوركسبطاقة الفوركسأزمة النقد الاجنبىدروس الفوركستعريف الفوركسحساب فوركس تجريبياستراتيجية التداول اليوم الفوركستطوير الفوركسدليل الفوركستجار الفوركس اليومصرف العملات الأجنبيةاليورو الفوركستعليم الفوركسforexتجارة العملات الإلكترونيةالفوركس للمبتدئينتوقعات الفوركسالعقود الآجلة الفوركسمؤشرات الفوركسأسعار الفائدة الفوركسالمستثمر الاجنبىصناعة الفوركسالفوركس على الانترنتمنصات تداول العملات الأجنبيةfcanfawikifxالرافعة الماليةمخاطر الفوركسإدارة المخاطر الفوركسساعات تداول العملات الأجنبيةforex tradingforex newsforex ratesforex brokersforex reviewsforex marketforex accountforex appforex alertsforex analysisa forex brokerforex basicsbest leaderDIRECT TTEGM ForexWikiFX ReviewSaqs InvestmentCharles Schwabفوركس فوكسشركات الفوركسMax Market FX LtdVIEXSSCEIDQUOTEXالبنك المركزيالتضخمالانكماشرفع سعرالفائدةالجنيه المصري IQ OptionWest CapitalINFOCHOICEXTrend SpeedROSYSTYLE WEALTHنصائحوسيط مثالي POIPEXSMI TRADEPROFITSCCHOPFIST WEALTHKangDaCMI TRADERConfort FXMIEXAMEGAVICTORIA CAPITALاستثمارالصناديق الاستثماريةالتمويل الجماعي الاسهمرأس مالLifecoinFEXDWS INVESTFDX CAPITALCRYPTO1CAPITALMSGRegain CapitalSpartan TradeCMTproOLYMP TRADEPrime InvestNordex InvestAdar CapitalMboxes TechEuropeMarketMetamaxFXMYN CapitalW2W CapitalCrypticsEasyTradeAPPNovobrokersDT SecuritiesInvestirexGitex CapitalUeTradesActive ResistTrades Universalapextradefx24Uni-coIdealfxtradingFx-CapitalUSGCOASTHERITAGE INVESTInetmarketsCryptoneyxFXGlobeIconic ManagementProgresive TradePROFIT CINDA LIMITEDBasel MarketsTrade HuzePaxful Financialscrypto-smartchainAMT Futures LimitedAmtop Markets LtdTop-minerBluefoxinvestmentFxCapitalProfitVenus HoldingsHONESTUMZeta Hedge22 PipsProtonForexHFx CryptoFx TradeUKBTCiToroStocksEQUALPROSKranken FxWaterman Bates
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