عرض التفاصيل
A $60 billion investing firm says profit advantages that have helped build US corporations into giants are fading, limiting the stocks' potential.
The tech giants have massive influence over online shopping, advertising, search, cloud computing and chips, according to Gartner market research.
The Department of Justice is going to be looking closely for signs of collusion, at exclusivity agreements, and at acquisitions, Makan Delrahim said.
News publishers argue that online platforms control digital advertising revenue, and that the journalism industry should see more of that money.
News publishers argue that online platforms control digital advertising revenue, and that the journalism industry should see more of that money.
Apple's unveiled new privacy features on Monday that could help it with consumers, but hurt it with developers and regulators.
In April, The New York Times reported Apple was cracking down on screen-time apps after releasing its own 'Screen Time' tool.
Senator Warren's billboard is half a block away from the train station many tech workers use to commute to their jobs in the city.
Apple says services are its future. But a Supreme Court ruling Monday could ultimately harm the biggest part of its services business — its App Store.
Facebook is facing growing demands that it should be dismantled under anti-monopoly law. It's not going down without a fight.
Facebook is beginning to mount its public defense to the notion of breaking the company up, after its cofounder urged regulators to take action.
Facebook is beginning to mount its public defense to the notion of breaking the company up after its cofounder urged regulators to take action.
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes called on the federal government to break apart the company's monopoly in a New York Times op-ed.
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes wrote in The New York Times that Peter Thiel bought Mark Zuckerberg an Infiniti SUV in 2005.
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes wrote in the New York Times that Peter Thiel bought Mark Zuckerberg an Infiniti SUV back in 2005.
Tim Cook said Apple's approach to privacy sets it apart from the other tech giants.
Apple claims it removed the apps because it discovered they were using a technology called MDM, which it described as 'highly invasive.'
Apple's cut of App Store purchases are the biggest component of its services business, which it's been promoting as its future. Cutting them could cost it dearly.
An antitrust investigation into Apple could lead to a big fine, hamper its business, and sully its reputation.
There's legal precedent for the Federal Trade Commission to look into past mergers, but insiders are skeptical that it will touch any of the big tech companies.