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India\s Jio and Airtel ink deals to bring in Musk\s Starlink

The move has caught most analysts by surprise, as Musk has publicly clashed with both companies recently.

settore Yesterday 08:17

Germany: Hundreds of flights cancelled as strikes hit airports

An unexpected nationwide strike by airport workers over pay has caused disruption at major transport hubs.

settore Three days ago

US job growth stable as government cuts start

Employers added 151,000 jobs in February but there was a drop in federal employment

settore In a week
ECB Set to Cut Rates, But Future Path Uncertain Amid Global Tensions

ECB Set to Cut Rates, But Future Path Uncertain Amid Global Tensions

- ECB expected to cut interest rates on March 6 - Future rate decisions unclear due to ongoing inflation and global trade issues - Markets expect more cuts, but some ECB officials urge caution

settore In a week

Trump announces month-long suspension of Mexico tariffs

Mexico will not be required to pay tariffs on goods that come under a previous trade pact until 2 April.

settore In a week

Denmark\s postal service to stop delivering letters

The decision will end 400 years of the companys letter service, and postboxes will disappear from June.

settore In a week

EUR/USD Surges on Tariff Pivot Expectations and Key Economic Events Ahead

The EUR/USD currency pair saw a big jump on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. It rose 1.4% and broke through the important 1.0600 level. This was the Euro's best day against the US Dollar in over two years. Markets started betting heavily on a possible change in US tariff policy.

settore In a week

Skype announces it will close in May

The internet chat and phone service, which is owned by Microsoft, made the announcement on X.

settore 02-28

Crypto sleuths join hunt for $1.5bn stolen in biggest ever heist

ByBit is offering financial rewards to anyone who can spot criminals attempting to launder the stolen crypto.

settore 02-26

BP\s shareholders want it to make money, not climate policy

The oil and gas producer faces criticism for its shift away from green energy, but many support it.

settore 02-26

Unions sue over Musk demand for federal workers to justify jobs

The demand for federal employees to share work accomplishments or be forced to resign sparked alarm and led to much confusion.

settore 02-24

Cryptocurrency theft of £1.1bn could be biggest ever

Dubai-based Bybit said it could afford to reimburse customers and that it was working to find the hackers.

settore 02-22

Birkenstock sandals are not art, says German court

The firm wanted to claim protection under copyright law, to stop rivals selling copycat versions of its shoes.

settore 02-20

AI cracks superbug problem in two days that took scientists years

The lead researcher has told the BBC he was so astounded he assumed his computer had been hacked.

settore 02-20

\Hopeless\ to potentially handy: law firm tests chatbots

Despite ‘incredible’ progress AI tools still arent up to the level of even a junior lawyer, research suggests.

settore 02-18

\Everyone must go\: New Zealand\s tourism drive draws ire

What was meant as a catchy tagline has been dubbed tone-deaf amid high emigration and unemployment.

settore 02-18

Mali gold mine: Dozens including women killed in collapse

The collapse, which killed at least 40, took place near Kenieba, in Malis gold-rich Kayes region.

settore 02-16

Donald Trump name changes from the Gulf of America to Fort Bragg

Donald Trumps renaming of the Gulf of Mexico and other landmarks suggests his greater vision for America

settore 02-16

Trump tariff VAT threat raises prospects of hit to UK

The surprise inclusion of VAT to calculate tariffs prompts questions over the impact on British businesses.

settore 02-14

Santorini fears for summer tourist season as earthquakes hit island

The Greek islands most important industry will bounce back, but staffing is a worry say hoteliers

settore 02-12

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