Please refer to the table below, for the rollover date of our futures on the trading system during June,
Please refer to the following table for the changes in the trading hours during the month of May 2023.
Please refer to the following table for the changes in the trading hours during the month of May 2023.
Please refer to the following table for the changes in the trading hours during the month of May 2023. The time and date mentioned in this notification are the system time (GMT +3) and are subject to change. For up to date information, please refer to the information on our trading platform.
Please refer to the following table for the changes in the trading hours during the month of April 2023. The time and date mentioned in this notification are the system time (GMT +3) and are subject to change. For up to date information, please refer to the information on our trading platform.
We will be launching new products on April 17th, 2023, as mentioned in the table below. The time and date in this notification are GMT +3 and can be subject to change. For the most up to date information, please refer to the trading platform.
Please refer to the table below, for the rollover date of our futures on the trading system during April 2023. Please note that the date and time may be subject to change.
In order to provide you with better trading experiences, the leverage of US equity CFDs products will be changed on Monday, April 10th, 2023.
Please refer to the following table for the changes in the trading hours during the month of March 2023. The time and date mentioned in this notification are the system time (GMT +3) and are subject to change. For up to date information, please refer to the information on our trading platform.
We would like to provide you with the following information regarding the changes in the trading platform time schedule, due to US daylight saving time switch on Sunday 12th March 2023.
上交易日周二(11月22日):国际黄金/伦敦金冲高回落收取倒垂阳线,未刷新前日低点,但也未突破均线压力,故此短期偏向震荡为主,这和昨日给出的观点一致。 走势上,金价自亚市开于1738.00美元/盎司,便展开走强回升,亚盘尾虽有部分回撤,但欧盘时段再度走强,且录得日内高点1749.60美元,之后便遇阻回落,美盘开盘后,整体仍维持承压模式,并至盘尾录得日内低点1736.86美元,最后有所止跌回升,收于1739.81美元,日振幅12.74美元,收涨1.81美元,涨幅0.1%。 影响上,因对全球经济前景的担忧增加,美元指数及美债收益率遇阻回落收跌,则对其金价产生提振,不过,由于美国股市走强,以及技术阻力压制,和即将到来的加息预期,而令金价回落走低。 展望今日周三(11月23日):国际黄金开盘短暂走强后又转偏弱运行,美元指数开盘先行走低后反弹,则对其产生明显影响,走盘来说,美元指数偏向一定的震荡待跌的模式,金价也偏向震荡待涨的模式,故此,金价这波回落的空间预计有限,或触及100日均线附近支撑再度止跌反弹。
上交易日周三(11月16日):国际黄金/伦敦金震荡收跌,且未再度刷新高点,这也暗示行情将迎来回撤,也增强了近日我一直看反弹遇阻将有回落的观点。 走势上,金价自亚市开于1778.50美元/盎司,先行走弱,于午间录得日内低点1770.14美元,随后则持续反弹走强,至欧盘初录得日内高点1784.62美元,之后则遇阻回落,且延续到美盘时段,继续走低回撤,最终再度触及日低点附近有所止跌运行,收于1773.63美元,日振幅14.48美元,收跌4.87美元,跌幅0.27%。 影响上,由于美元指数在开盘短暂走强后再度承压走低,令金价触底回升,不过因反弹动力减弱而有所遇阻,另外到美盘时段,受到强于预期的美国零售销售数据等影响,提振美元回升走强,打压金价回落,同时,旧金山联储主席戴利说,美联储的基准利率可能必须升至5%以上,才能开始给通胀带来下行压力。再度给金价造成利空压力而回跌收线。 在现货黄金下跌之际,其他贵金属也纷纷下跌:现货白银收跌0.44%,收报21.457美元/盎司;现货铂金收跌0.78%,报1006.4