看涨,当 0.6490 为支撑位。
NZDUSD 每日图表NZDUSD-可能的价格路径在接下来的一周中,当我们努力应对经济发展时,现在经常使用的及时局部指标将再次成为关注的焦点。其中包括周三的每周商品贸易和人口统计学数据集以及周二的就业指标。我们还将关注Z
After taking a beating last week falling nearly 3.5 percent, the NZDUSD was the highest riser on Monday locking in solid gains against the under-pressure US Dollar.
The NZDUSD was weighed down by dovish comments from the Royal Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) early in the trading session as it declared negative rates remain a possible tool.
The NZDUSD spiked upwards on Wednesday after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) announced it will be maintaining its current interest rate.
Kiwi dollar fell on Thursday as demand for the greenback picked up in the wake of the Iranian crisis and economic data from New Zealand came in below expectations.